5 Truths About Dating Armenian Girls

Did you know that Kim Kardashian is Armenian? A lot of us don’t know a lot about Armenian girls but if we make Armenian girlKim Kardashian as a marker for majority of the Armenian girls out there, they may very well be the hottest creatures alive.

If you are, indeed, planning to date one, you’ve already been hinted that she’s highly likely breath taking when talking about her physical attributes but in order to be objective, you might as well know an Armenian girl’s inner traits.

1. She gets easily attached.

If you find a common ground between yourself and the Armenian girl you’re planning to date, you need not worry about impressing her. Once you show that your intentions are sincere and that you can be a blast to be with, she’ll get attached to you quickly.

This doesn’t mean, however, that you do not need to step up your game. If you’re the gentleman that you’re claiming to be, you still have to treat her right – with respect and admiration.

2. Family wishes.

This rings true to majority of the Armenian girls out there. They respect their family’s decisions especially when it comes to their dating life. Even if they say that they are a modern woman, they still feel the need to give importance to their family’s opinion because this is how they were brought up, this is how the Armenian culture is.

What you need to do is put your best foot forward when meeting the entire family – it will come shortly once your relationship is going well.

3. Protected.

Here’s another fact that proves useful when dating an Armenian girl: her family will be overprotective of her. You’ll be examined under a microscope just so you know.

The family of your Armenian girl want the very best for their daughter, sister, niece or cousin so you have to be prepared when coming over for dinner. They will throw questions at you and size you up. If all goes well, you’re in the clear for future dates and future family dinner but if it didn’t, you can kiss your Armenian princess goodbye.

4. Spoiled.

Spoiled may be a very negative sounding word but this is the consequence to #3. Because she is overprotected, she tends to act like a princess. Now, there could be 2 scenarios to this:

1. She acts like a princess but within reason. This means that you just need to treat her well – buy her gifts, pick up the tab, open the car door for her and so on.

2. She acts like a princess and she goes overboard with it. This means that she expects you to kiss her hand and foot.

The second one is not the kind of Armenian girl that you should be with but the first one, you just have to know how to handle the relationship.

5. Can cook her way to your heart.

Trust that you’re in for the eating of your life when she starts to cook you things. There are Armenian girls that don’t know how to cook but the ones that do are keepers because they can cook their way to your heart in no time. It’s likely that you’ll be gaining some weight as well.

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