A jealous partner may indeed help a relationship be revived.

Having A Jealous Partner Says A Lot About You

So much has been said about jealousy over the years, that many people nowadays think that the green-eyed monster is somewhat synonymous with romantic love. Is a jealous partner justified, though? And can jealousy ever have a positive effect on your relationship?

Understanding A Jealous Partner

Jealous people are generally seen as weak and as more invested in the relationship than the partner who is cooler and more confident. There are times, however, when a jealous partner is justified to feel the way he/ she does.

In the cases where a partner is neglected or put down, he or she is perfectly justified in feeling insecure and jealous. If your partner appears to be jealous for no apparent reason, the best policy is to openly ask them what it is that’s troubling them about your behavior.

If you are tired of your partner feeling jealous, imagine how you’d feel is he/she never felt this way. Could it be that you are secretly drawing satisfaction from your partner’s reaction and subconsciously trying to provoke it?

How Much Jealousy Is OK?

According to renowned biological anthropologist and author of “Why We Love”, Helen Fisher Ph.D., “a little bit of jealousy in a healthy relationship is fine. It’s going to wake you up. When you’re reminded that your mate is attractive and that you’re lucky, it can stimulate you to be nicer and friendlier.”

Indeed, sometimes we tend to feel overly secure in our relationships and to take our partners for granted, so a gentle reminder that they are appreciated and admired by others too is a good thing. However, when the green-eyed monster becomes a chronic visitor to your relationship, then it becomes a problem and a sign of deeper issues.

All In All

So, in a nutshell, even though a jealous partner may not realize it, he/she may be in fact strengthening the relationship by actively showing his/her interest and passion. However, there is always the fear of exceeding limits and overstepping on the relationship’s boundaries. So, as with everything, moderation is key.